Sunday, August 22, 2021

Fake News


We live in a world of fake news and disinformation is pushed down our throat.  It happens with such regularity that we miss out on the real stories and focus on the fake ones pushed on to us.

Especially those fairy tales where the Prince Charming rescues the damsel in distress.  Just think why would a very capable Cinderella wait to be rescued out of drudgery?  Cinderella did not come in a carriage magically materialised out of pumpkins.  Cinders rode her Harley to the ball.  And she slipped him her number on leaving.

The bike? It’s a museum piece now.


Written for the Friday Fictioneers. Word Count : 100

I am probably the last one in this week.  Have missed a few episodes of FF this year, so what do I do but fall back on fracturing a fairy tale yet again.

To read the other writers click here.

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Wednesday, August 04, 2021

Gone Fishing

PHOTO PROMPT© Jennifer Pendergast

That eye is the perfect spot to fish I tell him.

Eye? He sounds confused this young pup I am saddled with training.

Those little thick circles of ice, I inform him, the hole suggests a good catch.

Confusion doesn’t last very long in the ambitious tyke.  I can see the gears in the brain whirling.
Bring back fish, become hero.

Without hesitation he steps forward.

There is a little gurgling sound at the end that a drowning person makes just before water rushes into the lungs. 

I love that sound.  And winter is the perfect time to set traps.

Written for the Friday Fictioneers. Word Count : 100

To read the other writers click here.

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Saturday, July 31, 2021

Selfie Before The Cart

©Roger Bultot

For a long time Mr Patel had resisted the pull of the social network.

‘Have no time man” explained his absence from the digital life.

“Don’t trust technology man” was oft repeated.

A lifelong bachelor, he was married to his work.  So when he was made redundant, we worried about how idleness would impact him.

Fortunately a lifetime of frugality meant he had no financial worries.

Then he sent me a friend request.  Mr Patel was on social media.

After keeping his life private for years, Mr Patel was sharing everything.  

His motto now was “I selfie therefore I am”.

Written for the Friday Fictioneers. Word Count : 100

I've missed the last two episodes of the FF.  Mostly due to not posting on time, so will be fashionably late this time, after all I blog therefore I am ;-)

To read the other writers click here.

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Friday, July 09, 2021


PHOTO PROMPT © Sandra Crook

“My dear fellow,” said Sherlock Holmes as we sat on either side of the fire in his lodgings at Baker Street, “I am stumped”.

“And yet I am not convinced,” I answered. “The great Sherlock Holmes stumped?”

“Well perhaps flummoxed then” he replied taking down the old and oily clay pipe, and, having lit it, he puffed away.

“But Holmes, why?”  I questioned.

Sherlock Holmes chuckled.

“I am convinced this is the work of the Purple Wraith.  She who posts pictures online every week, seeking precisely one hundred words. I fear this week, I too have been lost for words.”

Written for the Friday Fictioneers. Word Count : 100

It's Sandra's photo this week, she who spins out impossibly good fiction each week that just leaves us wanting more. 

To read the other writers click here.

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Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Fairy Tales

Copyright Russell Gayer

If truth be told then the carriage that Cinderella went to the ball in was not a pumpkin.  It was a lemon.

I knew that lemon.  It was in Honest Al’s yard and I bought it for the Fairy Godmother when she was looking for a van.  When you have magic backing you up any lemon will do.  I worked for that witch and the things I could tell you would churn your insides.

The National Enquirer wanted to do a story on that scam but the editor was scared of being turned into a frog and covered it up.

Written for Friday Fictioneers. Word Count : 100

It's Russell's photo this week, so I hope my take meets his approval.

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Friday, June 25, 2021

Eye of Hurricane


We called her Hurricane Lucy.  When she blew into my brother’s life she drove away all competitors for his affection.  The timid ones really didn’t stand a chance in her path and the stubborn ones were ultimately cast aside.

What about the man in the eye of the hurricane? The clueless one had no idea as the storm raged around him.  When it all ended we crawled out of the shelter hoping for peace while picking up the debris.

As years went by we just built our own shelters and only emerged when the storm would recede.
Written for Friday Fictioneers. Word Count : 100

To read the other writers this week click here

I am back after missing the last couple of episodes of Friday Fictioneers.  I am at the moment struggling with motivation and lack of belief in my writing skills.  But I guess there is no better way to counter that but by writing more.

In other news I've been doing push-ups this week to raise money for mental health - this is me 

One in five Australians will experience mental ill health this year and only 46% of people seek help. It's a complex challenge - for ourselves, our loved ones and, most of all, for the nine Australians who die by suicide everyday.

The Push For Better Foundation aims to engage and educate people in mental and physical health, and raise awareness of the mental health issues affecting everyday Australians.

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Thursday, May 27, 2021

A Day in The Life


Oh to be a fly on the wall.

How many times did he desire to be an insect of the order Diptera just so he could trap his cheating partner?  Too many to count but in the end a private investigator got him the desired results.

And last night he celebrated.  There was lots of drinking involved and raiding the attic to get that heirloom lamp.   Grandma always said it was magical but no one paid attention to her.

Grandma also warned him to choose his words carefully.

'I wish to be the fifth Beatle'.

Bloody musical neophyte Genie!

Written for Friday Fictioneers. Word Count : 99

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Friday, May 21, 2021


PHOTO PROMPT © Na’ama Yehuda

Why would you ever go back they ask?  

He knows the other exiles have been whispering behind his back.  

Are you not happy to bask in the glow of freedom?  

After all he should be grateful not being a part of the tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free.

Yet he notices the suspicious looks that people give when he wears the ethnic dress that he refuses to discard.

A scholar in his land but here he struggles with hopelessness, loss and lack of purpose.

Maybe this was not the freedom that he expected it to be.

Written for Friday Fictioneers. Word Count : 99

To read the other writers this week click here

While writing this I was suddenly reminded of a poem by Faiz

Dawn of Freedom (August 1947) 
This stain-covered daybreak, this night-bitten dawn,
This is not that dawn of which there was expectation;
This is not that dawn with longing for which
The friends set out, (convinced) that somewhere there we met with,

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Thursday, May 13, 2021

Travel Bug

PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bultot

They say travel broadens the mind and widens your horizons. 

The brochure was enticing, come on a trip to the exotic orient.  Stay at a hotel with a five-star rating, free WiFi and all the comforts.  Located next to a famous market that stands on the silk route taken by Marco Polo.

But the sense of being ripped off went away pretty quickly after finding the bargain basement prices in the market.  Some of this stuff would resell back home for four times the price.

Maybe travel does widen the horizons after all, I am returning next month for more.

Written for Friday Fictioneers. Word Count : 100

To read my other story click here -> Treasure Hunter

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Treasure Hunter

PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bultot

The market is as crowded as he had said it would be.  The question remains whether I am going to find what I am looking for.

“I lied about your adoption,” he says.

Now he wants to have this conversation?  When the doctors say he could go anytime.

“You were never abandoned by your parents”, he says, “but your mother had no choice”.

“You knew my mother? And said nothing?”

“In those days a child born from an affair between a married woman and a foreigner would have no future there.”

I stand before her stall and our eyes meet.
Written for Friday Fictioneers. Word Count : 100

To read my other story click here -> Travel Bug

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Thursday, April 29, 2021

Shadow Lands

PHOTO PROMPT © Dale Rogerson

They say sometimes in early winter mornings when the mist rises over the lake you can see the shadowy outlines of the departed.  Souls of people who found their way into the lake either by purpose or by accident.

To make contact with these ethereal shadows you must stand close to the water’s edge and let the mist waft over you.

 Only some can hear the voices of the dead reverberate in their ears.

I stood at the edge of the lake for all of last week with my arms opened in embrace.

Join me you whispered.

And I did.

Written for Friday Fictioneers. Word Count : 100

To read the other writers this week click here

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Saturday, April 24, 2021

Alien Invasion

PHOTO PROMPT © David Stewart

f I had to go back in time and think about the moment in life that changed our lives forever it would be the day when the aliens made their appearance.

Before that we lived in harmony.  The world we inhabited was not perfect with the occasional wars and times of conflict but those were but small niggles in our history.

Your declaration of love for another was a relief in the end.

It explained the bursts of anger, disappearance over periods of time and rewriting of our history.

I prefer think that the aliens took over your body instead.

Written for Friday Fictioneers. Word Count : 100

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Thursday, April 15, 2021

River of Memories

PHOTO PROMPT © Anne Higa  

Every time we visit our Great Grandfather he regales us with tales from life in a bygone era.  With all the memory keepers gone one can’t even cross check those stories.

Once a fortnight we take him out on trips to the Mall.  Last week my brother wanted to show him the new river that management had started.

Gramps took one look and chuckled.

“That’s a river? When we lived above ground, civilizations flourished along the banks of mighty rivers.”

Gramps is such a hoot but I had to remind the caretakers to adjust his meds again when we left.

Written for Friday Fictioneers. Word Count : 100

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Sunday, April 11, 2021

Serpent's Den


It was late at night but the market was bustling. 

The young backpackers fascinated by the crowds and the restaurants packed with people, revelled in the scenes unfolding before their eyes. 

‘Far out man, this is so cool’
Their young handsome companion smiled and not for the first time the three young travellers felt lucky having him around. 

 Slim, lithe and muscular with wide cheekbones one felt like being in the presence of a movie star. 

The women found his French accent so adorable. 

 “The night is still young’, said Alain Gautier, “Let’s party” 

 He had plans for them all.

Written for Friday Fictioneers. Word Count : 100

To read the other writers this week click here

I am watching the Netflix series The Serpent a fascinating recreation of the cold blooded serial killer Charles Sobhraj aka Alain Gautier aka the serpent and thus this flash.

In other news my sister's beautifully written historical fiction that brings alive an opulent and turbulent time in India's past through the eyes of a Portuguese priest is available for download. in Amazon - Of Ships and Shahs

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Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Knead To Know

PHOTO PROMPT © Jennifer Pendergast  

The Inspector sat across the table from the old couple conducting an investigation.

 It has come to our attention that a young individual referring to himself as a gingerbread man was observed being chased by the two of you. Furthermore no trace of the said individual has been found.

It wasn’t us officer we couldn’t catch him. 

All we wanted was to nib.... hug him.

We have had reports of weird doughs sighted here. 

Officer we would have reported any baking and entering.
Inspector, said the sergeant, we found a bunch of deleted cookies.

Are we going behind jars officer?

Written for Friday Fictioneers. Word Count : 100

To read the other writers this week click here

I thought I'd put up a video by Oreo Speedwagon but maybe I'll stick with Beatles and 'All you knead is love' ;-)

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Sunday, March 21, 2021



The tree in the temple compound is mutating.  The villagers have noticed the changes and each day I see them gathered around whispering in huddled groups.

The stout, branch-supporting pillars take years to grow.  Now each night a new snakelike, aerial root grows downward clawing its way to the ground.

The elders claim that it is the result of our sins.  The unnatural growth fuelled by lust and avarice.  They come to me for absolution with their panicked eyes seeking redemption.

I grant it easily but I know the truth.  Each lie I utter brings forth a new twisted strand.

Written for Friday Fictioneers. Word Count : 100

To read the other writers this week click here

I am little late this week, I was on on a personal discovery this week that I blogged here

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Saturday, March 20, 2021

Discovering My Grandfather

I’ve known my paternal grandfather Professor Krishnanand Pant only through photographs. Black and white photographs from another era on the walls of the vast house he left behind that bore his name - ‘Krishna Kutir’.  Growing up I learnt that that he was a learned man; the head of department of Hindi at what was then the prestigious Meerut College. 

I have grown up surrounded by books and the house in Meerut was no exception. Visiting the house during the holidays I was drawn towards the bookshelves and the many books in the house.  But amongst all the books there were many written in a script that my sister and I had never seen before. But to us children they were just strange and mysterious books and we never paid any attention to them. 

When my father passed away he left behind images of his life, old grainy black and white photographs painstakingly pasted in albums and scrapbooks. I’ve kept them all and at times I take them out and go through the pages. In his scrapbook there were news items and tributes paid to my grandfather after he passed away in his sixties. 

I had been always been curious to learn more about this man whose smiling face reminds me so much of my father and my father’s family. Sometimes when I laugh in a chortling manner I get reminded of my father's and uncle’s laugh and wonder whether my grandfather laughed like this too. 

There is one advantage of living in an information age. So through the power of Google with random searches over the years I have been able to gather bits and pieces of information. 
- Government gazettes from 1920 giving notifications of job appointments in universities. 
- Little snippets that brought forth some more information to light, teasing me but not enough. 

 Then this year while between projects I wanted to expand my my searches and did I find more information! I found that his name was listed in Sahitya Academy’s first edition of ‘Who’s Who of Indian Writers’ published in 1961 

Now finding your grandfather’s name in such a prestigious institution was a proud moment that I shared with the extended family group that I have on Facebook. But this also gave me some concrete names for books to search. 

 I wanted to find the books that he had authored and I found two on The major work is Prabandh Sagar co-authored with Pandit Yagyadatt Sharma This book can also be found on multiple websites 

 The next work that I found was Aalochna Ke Sidhant 

The search for finding the books Hindi Sahitya ka Vikas and Kavya Dipika is still on and I hope to find them. 

Oh and those books in in the house? It turns out that he was also a Prakrit scholar and those books were written in that ancient language.  He was also a Sanskrit scholar and I found an acknowledgement of that in his colleague Professor B. R. Chatterji’s book on India and Java where my Grandfather had translated the Sanskrit inscriptions from Java, Sumatra and Borneo. 

 But these are all works of academic excellence, works to admire the scholarship of the man. But in my search I finally came across a very personal piece penned by him. About an incident that affected him greatly and reading these words I really felt as if my Grandfather was addressing me. Talking to me about something that left a lasting impression on him. This time I felt connected to the man in the photograph with a gentle smile that played across his lips. From page 25 onwards in the link


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Wednesday, March 10, 2021

The Quest


Be mine he pleaded. 

 I must leave, she said, find me and I am yours. 

 Where shall I look? 

 I'll be where the sky meets the earth.  

And then she disappeared. 

He roamed the earth, climbing the highest mountains and descending to deepest valleys.

Through arid deserts and snow covered wonderlands. 

 The sirens of the seas sang to him but he remained oblivious to their music. 

 Years rolled into decades to centuries but his quest never ended. 

 I am here, she whispers, right next to you. 

If you could stop and look my love, you will find I never left. 

Written for Friday Fictioneers. Word Count : 100

Back again this week after missing out on last week's prompt.  Still not sure if 'Pursuit of Happiness' or 'Chasing Chimeras' makes a better title.  But does it work? I guess your comments will let me know.
Edit: I guess we can be looking for happiness in different places all our lives when in fact it is right there next to us all long.

To read the other writers this week click here

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Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Melting Hearts

PHOTO PROMPT © Dale Rogerson

They told me to steer clear of ice-maidens.

So it was that you were a touch frosty when we met.

Walk away they said when the roses get covered in snow.

But snow-covered flowers signal that a fresh start is on the way.

The sparse beauty of a winter wonderland has much to offer.

And in many aspects snowflakes are like us - imperfect.

They too grow unevenly, in a short span can be broken, melted and refrozen.

If that isn't being human I don't know what is.

Winter does not last forever.

Ice-maidens too have hearts that melt.


Written for Friday Fictioneers. Word Count : 99

To read the other writers this week click here

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Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Special Delivery


Mr Patel returned home last week, what was left of him anyway. Not in the manner that he would have expected but still by priority express mail.

Mrs Patel could hear him 'I am not like that Kumar who just preens on Facebook but is a zero in real life, I am worth a lot more you wait and see'.

And now here he was signed, sealed and delivered.

Kumar was coming over in the evening with the insurance papers. She picked out a white sari and applied some kohl to her eyes. Such a helpful man and still unmarried.


Written for Friday Fictioneers. Word Count : 100

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Thursday, February 11, 2021

The Railway Line

PHOTO PROMPT © Alicia Jamtaas

In happier times it would have been the job of a lifetime. 

Imagine building a train line that traversed inhospitable rain forests, deep valleys, climbing high mountain ranges and lengthy mountain passes and over great rivers. 

Now imagine doing it under the barrel of a gun, incessant floggings and inadequate food.  

The Burma-Siam Railway built between June 1942 and October 1943 laid some 415 km of track giving birth to stories of heroism and the bridge over that river immortalised in a film. 

The forgotten heroes were the labourers who lived and died during the construction of the railway. 

Written for Friday Fictioneers. Word Count : 100

To read the other writers this week click here

It is estimated that 16,000 allied POWs and 75000 to 150,000 Malay and Indonesian laborers died during the construction of the Burma railway. A total of 6,982 Allied prisoners who died in captivity during the war are buried in a beautifully maintained cemetery with rows of flowering plants. Some died building the Bridge Over the River Kwai and others perished while laboring on the notorious "Death Railway" to Burma.

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Wednesday, February 03, 2021

The Prodigy

PHOTO PROMPT © Trish Nankivell

He was marked out for great things the moment he was born, the astrologer mentioning alignment of planets and auspiciousness of stars. 

What greatness? 

The smitten parents had to know. 

The old astrologer swore silently. Majority of his clients rarely questioned him if the future was bright. Only a few needed to know every detail. 

 He observed the fancy music system in the room. A musical genius he said leaving hurriedly. 

 The budding prodigy was doted over each little stage of his life. 

 Is that what I think I am looking at Momma? 

 Absolutely Popsy. It is Beethoven’s first movement. 

Written for Friday Fictioneers. Word Count : 100

To read the other writers this week click here

Hello there once again in 2021.   Back after missing many episodes of FF.  Many factors here - missing muse, procrastination and yes the dreaded lack of belief.  But this is a new year and hope to contribute more.

Double dog dare accepted.  No covid, lockdowns in this post ;-)

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