Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Fairy Tales

Copyright Russell Gayer

If truth be told then the carriage that Cinderella went to the ball in was not a pumpkin.  It was a lemon.

I knew that lemon.  It was in Honest Al’s yard and I bought it for the Fairy Godmother when she was looking for a van.  When you have magic backing you up any lemon will do.  I worked for that witch and the things I could tell you would churn your insides.

The National Enquirer wanted to do a story on that scam but the editor was scared of being turned into a frog and covered it up.

Written for Friday Fictioneers. Word Count : 100

It's Russell's photo this week, so I hope my take meets his approval.

To read the other writers this week click here

I'd love read what you think about this post...

Friday, June 25, 2021

Eye of Hurricane


We called her Hurricane Lucy.  When she blew into my brother’s life she drove away all competitors for his affection.  The timid ones really didn’t stand a chance in her path and the stubborn ones were ultimately cast aside.

What about the man in the eye of the hurricane? The clueless one had no idea as the storm raged around him.  When it all ended we crawled out of the shelter hoping for peace while picking up the debris.

As years went by we just built our own shelters and only emerged when the storm would recede.
Written for Friday Fictioneers. Word Count : 100

To read the other writers this week click here

I am back after missing the last couple of episodes of Friday Fictioneers.  I am at the moment struggling with motivation and lack of belief in my writing skills.  But I guess there is no better way to counter that but by writing more.

In other news I've been doing push-ups this week to raise money for mental health - this is me 

One in five Australians will experience mental ill health this year and only 46% of people seek help. It's a complex challenge - for ourselves, our loved ones and, most of all, for the nine Australians who die by suicide everyday.

The Push For Better Foundation aims to engage and educate people in mental and physical health, and raise awareness of the mental health issues affecting everyday Australians.

I'd love read what you think about this post...