Thursday, March 28, 2019

Yarn Spinner

PHOTO PROMPT© Sandra Crook
I was at the pub when the bartender told the bloke sitting beside me, “No more for you mate, time to go home.”

I turned but he saw me staring and curling his lips, snarled, “What? You want to guess my name too?”

“Not me buddy,” I replied in a conciliatory tone, “It’s been a tough day.”

I called the bartender, “One last one for me and my buddy here”.

He mellowed down and started to chat.

“I spin straw into gold.  You scoff but those skills made a loser peasant girl into a Queen. The name, sir, is Rumpelstiltskin.”

Written for the Friday Fictioneers.  Word count:100

All that yarn meant I had to spin up a tale for this week.  When I wrote that title I did but wonder where the Friday Fictioneer's missing contributor Yarn Spinner is these days.

To read the other writers this week click here.

And on the subject of Queens, here is a great song.

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Wednesday, March 20, 2019

The Third Eye

She talks of chakras and mandalas

Of invisible wheels of energy flowing

Sacred consciousness

Coursing through the body divine

I stand before her

Silently listening

Washed over by

A torrent of words

Gazing at her doe eyes

As she explains

The seven wheels of energy

That turn in perpetual motion inside

Right from Sahasrara

The thousand-petaled lotus

Radiating pure



The heart chakra

The tiny flame burning within

Unhurt, unstruck, and unbeaten


The perceptive third eye

Of intuition and intellect

I steal another look and wonder

If she really knows

That spirituality

Remains a cover

For my desires

Written for the Friday Fictioneers.  Word count:100

The thing about writing poetry is that it is a subjective form of creative expression.  It is also the type of writing that I never shared in the past but in the last year or so I find that I am unafraid to share it, so bring on the bouquets or the brickbats :-)

Edit: I added some links to explains some of the Sanskrit words used.  At a minimum the word chakra denotes a 'wheel' or a 'circle' and a 'cycle'.

To read the other writers this week click here.

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Friday, March 15, 2019

Chopin Away

PHOTO PROMPT © Anshu Bhojnagarwala

Did you know that before the Pied Piper, Hamelin town had a solution for their rodent menace?  
History would have changed had the council accepted the proposal by Pascal the Piano player.

Yes I mean Hamelin Town’s in Brunswick by the famous Hanover city.   Yes the one where the river Weser, deep and wide, washes its wall on the southern side.

Tone deaf Pascal’s house was the only one free of the vermin.  All he wanted was a permanent spot in the town square to play music.  The musical snobs in the council refused.  The rest you know is history.
Written for the Friday Fictioneers.  Word count:100

I couldn't get a Handel on this week's prompt but I'll be Bach.

To read the other writers this week click here.

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Friday, March 08, 2019



I was destined to rule this planet.  We had discovered it centuries ago scanning galaxies for a favourable habitat, as our sun, expanded into a red giant. 

Explorers had already made forays to the third planet that circled the yellow dwarf and observed it’s simple residents. 

On landing I transformed my craft into a local carrier.  I sat on it retaining my shape, to monitor their reaction to a superior being like myself.

I am pleased to report that they have fawned over me though my translator is unable to decipher noises emanating from this four legged creature approaching me.

Written for the Friday Fictioneers.  Word count:100

I don't know if this is the purrfect alien cat story that I could come up with but I am letting it loose.

To read the other writers this week click here.

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Friday, March 01, 2019



In 1849 a young American is jailed for not paying his poll tax as a protest against slavery and the war with Mexico. 

In an essay titled "Civil Disobedience," Henry David Thoreau asked “Can there not be a government in which majorities do not virtually decide right and wrong, but conscience?”

Sixty years later Mohandas Gandhi adopted Thoreau’s thoughts in developing his concept of Satyagraha (non-cooperation).

And the circle of life carries on.

Written for the Friday Fictioneers.  Word count:100

More facts than fiction in this post today. When I saw the name I did find information about the town of Thoreau. It did present some ideas especially considering that the Navajo Nation has a strong history and culture culture around the town, But in the end I went with Henry David Thoreau and how his essay written nearly 170 years ago influenced the two giants of the twentieth century.

To read the other writers this week click here.

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