Saturday, July 31, 2021

Selfie Before The Cart

©Roger Bultot

For a long time Mr Patel had resisted the pull of the social network.

‘Have no time man” explained his absence from the digital life.

“Don’t trust technology man” was oft repeated.

A lifelong bachelor, he was married to his work.  So when he was made redundant, we worried about how idleness would impact him.

Fortunately a lifetime of frugality meant he had no financial worries.

Then he sent me a friend request.  Mr Patel was on social media.

After keeping his life private for years, Mr Patel was sharing everything.  

His motto now was “I selfie therefore I am”.

Written for the Friday Fictioneers. Word Count : 100

I've missed the last two episodes of the FF.  Mostly due to not posting on time, so will be fashionably late this time, after all I blog therefore I am ;-)

To read the other writers click here.

I'd love read what you think about this post...

Friday, July 09, 2021


PHOTO PROMPT © Sandra Crook

“My dear fellow,” said Sherlock Holmes as we sat on either side of the fire in his lodgings at Baker Street, “I am stumped”.

“And yet I am not convinced,” I answered. “The great Sherlock Holmes stumped?”

“Well perhaps flummoxed then” he replied taking down the old and oily clay pipe, and, having lit it, he puffed away.

“But Holmes, why?”  I questioned.

Sherlock Holmes chuckled.

“I am convinced this is the work of the Purple Wraith.  She who posts pictures online every week, seeking precisely one hundred words. I fear this week, I too have been lost for words.”

Written for the Friday Fictioneers. Word Count : 100

It's Sandra's photo this week, she who spins out impossibly good fiction each week that just leaves us wanting more. 

To read the other writers click here.

I'd love read what you think about this post...