So that’s what the little sucker is called! I have been on
the fairy wide web the past week looking for the varmint.
OK I admit that I wouldn’t be in this predicament if my dad
hadn’t tweeted to the king about his daughter’s ability to spin straw into gold.
The little guy saved my shit. But wanting
my first born? That is seriously sick I tell you. And then this whole thing about guessing his
name, I don’t know, Sage Moonblood?
But I’ve found his Instagram account with photos
#CampingOut, #RoyalChildIsMine, #GuessMyName
I know who you are.
Written for Friday Fictioneers Word Count : 100.
So I am back after a week's absence after struggling with motivation. The only way to get around the writing blues is to write something serious like the true story above.
I've also thrown my hat in the IB Awards run by Indiblogger. The way this works is to get people to vote for you by either liking, tweeting or commenting on your entry page. Unlike the Queen I am unable to pledge my first born (and the second born) but I will be very thankful for your votes and support.
For those who prefer the original can find it here.
To read the other stories this week click here
Written for Friday Fictioneers Word Count : 100.
So I am back after a week's absence after struggling with motivation. The only way to get around the writing blues is to write something serious like the true story above.
I've also thrown my hat in the IB Awards run by Indiblogger. The way this works is to get people to vote for you by either liking, tweeting or commenting on your entry page. Unlike the Queen I am unable to pledge my first born (and the second born) but I will be very thankful for your votes and support.
For those who prefer the original can find it here.
To read the other stories this week click here