Friday, April 28, 2017

After a Year


My eyes open when the first rays of the sun dance upon dewy grass.  I am in the kitchen, the kettle whistling on the stove as I brew us a pot.

 I step outside and place the tray on the table.  Our day starts with freshly brewed tea, a milk jug, a bowl of sugar, two cups and plate of biscuits.

I hear you shuffling slowly, your glasses dangling on the end of your short nose and the rustling of the paper in your hand.

You’ve been gone for a year now and yet you remain in my heart.


Written for Friday Fictioneers Word Count : 100

This week marked my brother-in-law's first death anniversary.  The photo was a strange coincidence but I  knew I had to write about love and remembrance this week.  Gone but not forgotten.  To read the other writers this week click here.  

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

The Dialectics of Lust

PHOTO PROMPT © Magaly Guerrero

So there we are in the Art Gallery.  Not my choice as a meeting place, dare I say it ‘first date’.

“So what do you think?” he asks.

I think it’s crap but I bottle that feeling. Apart from this arty side, there is a lot going on with this fella.  Think conversations beyond monosyllables and an ability to dress well.

I improvise.

“It’s fascinating this portrayal of relationship between postmodern discourse and Jungian archetypes.”

He nods approvingly.

“The viewer is left with an insight into dialectics of lust in our culture.”

He grins sheepishly, “I thought it was crap”.


Written for Friday Fictioneers Word Count : 100

The silly season is here again with this post.  I am back after a break and what could be another break for a couple of weeks.  If you have been afraid to comment, this is your last chance.  Blogger does not bite I am told.  To visit the other artists this week click here.