Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Flotsam and Jetsam


I saw him under the bridge arranging his belongings.  It was my walking route where the final stretch took me under the arches and up the steps leading to my office. He tipped his hat politely and resumed sorting his possessions.

Every day I’d meander by the river bank making my way through the park.  Stopping only to take photos and the mandatory uploads to Facebook. He was now a permanent occupant curled up under the bridge with his worldly goods in a trolley.

I never saw him after the flood, just some lurking flotsam and jetsam in the water.

Written for Friday Fictioneers Word Count : 100

I do disembark from the bus and take a walk by the river each morning.  The route does take me under a bridge but that is where reality ends and fiction takes over.  The title a nod to a story by one of my favourite writers Somerset Maugham.

To walk on the river bank with other writers this week click here.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Hot Dog

PHOTO PROMPT- Copyright – Jan Wayne Fields

He stood on the deck, inhaling the salty breeze as the statue loomed into the view. It was time to reflect on the events of last week.

“Sausage in bread? A Kabanosy you vill sell? Is crazy I tell you.  Vill never vork.”

The investors were discouraging but Ida’s reassuring squeeze gave him the courage to push his proposal.  Ultimately the samples spiced with her secret recipe would win them over.

All these years he had worked for Mr Feltman as a roll cutter making “dachshund sandwich”.  Now it was time for him to start his very own “grab joint”.

Written for Friday Fictioneers Word Count : 100

An attempt at historical fiction and nothing more important than hot dogs.  Actually I started looking up the history of the Statue and Coney Island and the story of Nathan Handwerker came up.  As someone who appreciates a good hot dog, how could I let it go?  Apparently there is also a documentary on him,

To ride on the ferry with other writers this week click here.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Breaking Baad

I've been negligent of this blog recently.  A combination of work, travel and probably a lack of motivation and as a result the writing has fallen by the wayside.  I've been doubting my writing skills and the ability to tell a story, even the one in a hundred words.  I guess the only way to get over it is to start writing again.  But before that happens, it's time for my first rerun of a Friday Fictioneer prompt.  All the way back from May 2014! Whoa looks like I am a veteran too,

The Return of the Black Sheep