Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The Long Flight Home

copyright-Rich Voza

I have had these calls before.  We discuss myriad topics under the sun, the weather, the movies, sporting events and how the children are growing up.  And so it goes until next time when we repeat the same.  How many times did they end with an “I love you”?

I have had these calls before.  Calls after I talked to my father, listened in to my wife’s brother on Skype and hours after the last chat with my mother.  All unexpected but this time I was waiting for the call.  My brother-in-laws’s suffering was over.

And the long flight home.

Written for Friday Fictioneers Word Count : 100

It has been over a month since my brother-in-law passed away.  I didn't know how to express my emotions in this blog and have been silent for a while.  The courage and dignity with which he bore his suffering remains an example to our family.  He will be missed.

To fly with the other writers this week click here.