Sunday, August 22, 2021

Fake News


We live in a world of fake news and disinformation is pushed down our throat.  It happens with such regularity that we miss out on the real stories and focus on the fake ones pushed on to us.

Especially those fairy tales where the Prince Charming rescues the damsel in distress.  Just think why would a very capable Cinderella wait to be rescued out of drudgery?  Cinderella did not come in a carriage magically materialised out of pumpkins.  Cinders rode her Harley to the ball.  And she slipped him her number on leaving.

The bike? It’s a museum piece now.


Written for the Friday Fictioneers. Word Count : 100

I am probably the last one in this week.  Have missed a few episodes of FF this year, so what do I do but fall back on fracturing a fairy tale yet again.

To read the other writers click here.

I'd love read what you think about this post...


  1. I'm not sure I agree myths are fake news. They give us the tools to make sense of our world. But I do agree they reflect the ideology of the society from which they spring.

  2. Subroto, I think that fairy tales indoctrinate you to the norms of a culture. Of course if the youth grow up believing princes are the dominant force in a patriarchal culture, they have a better chance of owning and controlling everything. I appreciate your fracturing of this fairy tale!

  3. Better late than ever!

    I always had my doubts about the Cinders story! Goodness knows what they'll want us to believe next.

    Here's mine!

  4. Dear Subroto,

    Thank you for setting the record straight. It's always good to learn the truth. Well done. :)



  5. I love this. That's much better than the original.

  6. I'll take your version of the fairy tale any day! Sorry I'm late commenting - just catching up!

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