Friday, May 21, 2021


PHOTO PROMPT © Na’ama Yehuda

Why would you ever go back they ask?  

He knows the other exiles have been whispering behind his back.  

Are you not happy to bask in the glow of freedom?  

After all he should be grateful not being a part of the tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free.

Yet he notices the suspicious looks that people give when he wears the ethnic dress that he refuses to discard.

A scholar in his land but here he struggles with hopelessness, loss and lack of purpose.

Maybe this was not the freedom that he expected it to be.

Written for Friday Fictioneers. Word Count : 99

To read the other writers this week click here

While writing this I was suddenly reminded of a poem by Faiz

Dawn of Freedom (August 1947) 
This stain-covered daybreak, this night-bitten dawn,
This is not that dawn of which there was expectation;
This is not that dawn with longing for which
The friends set out, (convinced) that somewhere there we met with,

I'd love read what you think about this post...


  1. Yes, nothing is ever what it seems. Good story!

  2. The grass is rarely greener on the other side. Just different.

    1. That is true, thanks for reading Ali.

  3. Dear Subroto,

    It seems at time that for every silver lining there's a cloud. Well written and thought provoking.



    1. Thanks Rochelle I am glad you liked it.

  4. So often, what appears to be a good idea turns out not to be so. Nice one.

    1. Thanks for your comments Keith.

  5. Such a sad reality all too often for those who unjustly removed from their homes for reasons like what I can only imagine here.

    1. Many are thankful for their new lives but it's still a struggle for them, thanks for reading Anne.

  6. This is so true for far too many in too many places. Growing together is hard work for all sides.

    1. Never easy starting all over again. Thanks for your comments Gabi.

  7. My sympathies go to the person struggling to be accepted without sacrificing their cultural identity in another place. Even without moving to another place. For instance dietary choices or ways that go against their own cultural mainstream. It is challenging and takes courage to go against the norms. But great rewards for staying true to oneself.

    1. Loss of language and culture are never easy but many struggle with lack of purpose and direction. Thanks for your comments Lisa.

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